The “Yearly” Update?

I honestly wish I knew why this domain is only ever looked at once a year. Maybe it has something to do with the auto-renewal, or maybe it’s my heart yearning to have the time to get back to my roots.  Life has completely taken over and all forms of ‘social media’ that aren’t 100% work related have pretty much taken a back seat. I’m still actively involved in Web Development, so much so that I have no drive or ability to maintain my own stuff. I don’t know how it’s possible to look at WordPress, Dreamweaver & Photoshop on…more»

Filed in Personal | Comments Closed

You are a “BLUE”

Here we go again, tryin’ to keep on track with so many hats. When you wear as many hats as myself, it is extremely hard to keep track of which hat to wear on what day and with what task….and more often than not you will catch me wearing more than one hat at a time. The struggle is real 😉 Through it all, I have spent too much time thinking about what I want to do, and just not enough time “DOING”. So I decided the best place to start is here, now, wanting to reconnect with all of…more»

Filed in Blogging, Business, Health & Beauty, Personal Growth, Random Chatter | Comments Closed

And I’m BACK!

I Know I have been completely MIA, but I am back and ready to blog my little heart out!!! I have had a lot happen since the last time I was here. My son E just turned 3 a few weeks ago, and I now have a second beautiful son L who will be 6 months on the 18th. Boy do they keep me busy! Lately I have been dealing with a lot of screaming and kicking and throwing and big attitude from my 3yr old. I tried my hardest to figure out if this was simply a stage or…more»

Filed in Blogging, Jobs | Comments Closed

We’re almost there!!

It’s been a constant up and down, and I know I’ve bitched about it quite a bit but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  We’re closing on Wednesday 3/12 at 4pm.  I’m excited, but not to the point where I’m jumping up and down.  I’m so over this entire process that I just want my keys and the current owners to fuck off and then I can just work on making it OUR home. We’re doing the final walk through today (3/11), it’s odd to do it the day before the closing, but we’re obligated to…more»

Filed in Daily, Money | Comments Closed

Keep on keepin’ on…

I’m not going to lie, I think the only reason this domain is still around is based on the fact that I keep it on auto-renewal. The problem with that is I have a tendency to completely forget it’s even here. I’ve actually been blogging more on lately, but that’s due to all of the random personal things going on that I just need an outlet for.  I’m still working hard via AGn Designs, work has out-weighed anything I’ve wanted to do with this domain. There’s a few PSD’s put together for new themes, and I’ve even been tempted…more»

Filed in AGn Designs, Daily | Comments Closed

In need of an upgrade…

Since I’m being pulled in so many different directions for work, I’ve had to pretty much place EVERYTHING on the back burners. I have two new themes in the works for AGn Designs and  I’m gradually going through my PSD archives to find a template that I previously created for this site because this pink thing is driving me crazy, even though I (obviously) don’t regularly blog here.  There’s always a lot to do and absolutely no time to do it.  Sometimes I do wish I could just go back to paid blogging, I never really touched Dreamweaver until…more»

Filed in AGn Designs, Computers | Comments Closed

Time’s flown by…

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve posted on this domain. It’s on auto-renew so I can always be sure to have it under my portfolio, but for some reason there’s really nothing going on that’s worth posting across multiple sites. Hell, I barely post on I have Twitter and Facebook to thank for this, Micro-blogging really has taken over the world. My last post made note about my disappointment with Apple based on the fact that they have removed the 17″ laptop from their line-up.  I am happy to report, however, that as a Valentines…more»

Filed in Apple, Computers, Electronics, Personal | 1 Comment

Macbook Changes

By now, anyone with an internet connection knows that Mac has “upgraded” their systems to include a new retina display for a more crisp and clean color pallet.  The downfall would be something that I wasn’t able to really find online – I needed to see it in person because I can’t ever seen to find a picture of the right side of the computer. The 15″ Macbook Pro w/ Retina display doesn’t have a DVD drive – ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  The point of laptops is to be MOBILE, with MOBILE comes DISKS (ie: a DVD collection OR program…more»

Filed in Apple | Comments Closed

In honor of HUMP day

So here’s the thing, I dont like to complain and I don’t think I ask too much……I just want five freakin minutes of peace!! I have been battling this new crazy schedule of cranky baby in the day, getting absolutely nothing accomplished except making baba and finding the binkie (pacafier) my son loves to throw under the couch all day. Once my husband gets home from work all I can think is WHERE DO I START! Not only do I have my work that I get paid for to catch up on, before anyone figures out I haven’t completed it…more»

Filed in Daily, Personal, Random Chatter | Comments Closed

To be or NOT to be…..Offended?

So as a new mommy, I admit that I do not have many other mommy friends with children the same age. Most have children 3yrs and up or no children at all. I know that this will all change once my son starts going to some sort of school, but in the meantime, we take what we can get. When my son was first born, I was happy to re-kindle a friendship from past with a new mommy to a little boy only 2 months older than mine. Niether of us were working so we would have playdates almost every…more»

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