The benefits to having a Business Broker

Unfortunately, sometimes the only way to keep a business up above water is to sell parts of it to other companies or merge with a more well established company in the same business looking to bring in new products, fresh faces and/or just take over your business in general and run it their own way. A big example would be Google, they own more than 50% of the search engines on the internet, at this point. They bought out the rest and are now enjoying the benefits.

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Simple Email Hack: Get Your Questions Answered

Whether we like it or not, email is still the primary mode of communication online. That’s not going to change any time soon.

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Speak English!

A running trend with businesses these days is outsourcing their support staff to other countries. While this cuts back on the payroll it also causes many consumers to be unhappy with the company at hand, considering you’re unable to understand the person claiming to be Emily or Scott on the other end of the line.

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Vacation destinations for cheaper than you can imagine!

If you’re someone who likes to travel, and even more so, are someone who only travels based on reviews that you’d get from fellow travelers, than this is more than likely going to be a valuable resource for you.

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Kill Some Time

For the past two days I’ve written up articles in regards to the Top 50 Websites on the internet. So far I’ve listed the Surfing & Searching and Productivity based categories. Now that you have a bunch of online tools to help you save some time, now you can procrastinate a bit more without the guilt.

Filed in Daily, Gaming | Comments Closed

Top 50 Websites – Group 2

The best sites to keep you feeling Productive!

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Heading south…

I’ve been interested in taking a vacation for quite some time now. I’ll openly admit to the fact that I live in a tourist community but this doesn’t mean that I want to stay here, either. Yes, I have boardwalks and beaches all over the place and I absolutely love the beach but again, dealing with all of the benny’s (out of towner’s) is just annoying to me.

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Interested in making a little money?

Over the course of the last 10 months or so, many sites have been popping up that offer you the ability to get paid to blog.

Filed in Money, Smorty | Comments Closed

Digital Picture Frames

Don’t have access to a computer but want to access your digital images easily? This post is definitely for you!

Filed in Gadgets, Smorty | Comments Closed

Top 50 Websites – Group 1

Search your way, forget about the big guns. This is the Surfing & Searching group.

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