It’s hard to know when you’ve come across a valuable resource on the internet. There are so many websites out there with so many different opinions and point of views that the best thing to do is to go straight to the horses mouth sometimes. Unfortunately, that horse doesn’t always have a website so you’re left there just flipping through testimonials on other sites and attempting to learn more about the topic through those whom went through it and sometimes not always getting the questions answered that the horse could tell you for sure.

I’m sure it seems as though I’m kind of lingering around and leaving this topic open for discussion but that’s because it really does work for everything. I personally, however, am talking about a procedure known as lap band surgery. Thousands of people are going through this surgery every year but that doesn’t mean it’s been easy for people to find out something about it when it comes to the internet. That’s all up until recently, though.

A surgeon based in Mexico has a website named It’s a great central resource for information about gastric bypass surgery. While they would love it if you went to Mexico to have this surgery they understand that you’re going to look locally first so they still offer you the information you need without sucking you in to a long road trip. This is a site that cares about the patient being informed, not just getting the patient. That’s always a good thing for me.

Many doctors across the USA and Mexico preform this surgery on a daily basis. Thousands of patients come through their doors every year and know that they’re going to have a life changing procedure and learn every single aspect of it. The problem I have is that not many doctors will give you a free cosultation unless they know for sure that you’re going to choose them to operate on you. I don’t like the idea of going to someone who cares more about the money than the patient themself. This surgery can be rather expensive but even health insurance companies are waking up and understanding that obesity needs to be fixed and covering up to 80% (maybe even 100%) of the cost for this surgery because they want their insurance holder to live a long and healthy life.

It’s comforting to know that people are now learning to look out for people, instead of spending so much time working against them.

[tags]Sponsored, PayPerPost, Lap Band Surgery, Gastric Bypass[/tags]