Thunderbird has been lagging for me for quite some time now and it literally took me over a week to figure out why.
In my business-based inbox there were around 2500 emails, dating back to August 2006. In my design-based inbox there were around 2000 emails, dating back to January 2007. And in random inboxes here and there, since thunderbird allows you to plug every Pop3 based email into one initial page-load there were another 1000 messages (in total) just divided up amongst 5 other inboxes.
I then realized that the reason it was lagging is because it’s constantly trying to compress everything. So I spent the last half hour going through email and shifted it all out into dated boxes. I have a new ‘archives’ folder now broken down with 2006 and 2007 based emails, it’s further broken down month-by-month. Hopefully this fixes things, so far it seems to be working better. The only thing in any of my inboxes at the moment are August 2007 based emails, I’ll naturally switch all of that out by September.
I still can’t find my magazines either. I need to get to a store that’s magazine specific, I’m sure there’s SOMETHING down here. Or I should just consider an actual subscription so it shows up at my door. ::hrm::
[tags]Magazines, Thunderbird, Email, File Compression[/tags]