The Season’s Started!

The football season has started, and it’s unfortunate that my Giants aren’t doing very well so far this year. They’re only two games into the season, maybe things will start changing around. If they happen to completely suck this year? Oh well, at least I’ll have fun yelling at the screen. I did some poking around for football related articles to catch up on what’s going on with the other teams in the league, as well as college football because I grew up on that as well. I found out today about a New Football Helmet that has Schutt ION…more»

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Switching to Joomla

For quite some time now I was considering switching over to Joomla. For those of you who don’t know what the program does, it’s a free CMS program that does absolutely everything you could need a program to do. It’s used all over the world to power everything from a simple personal homepage to a more complex corporate based website. It can be used to easily manage every aspect of your website, from adding content and images to updating a product catalog or taking online reservations. There are thousands of plugins available for this program to give you everything you…more»

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We were rejected for a joint-personal loan based on the fact that we had nothing to put up as collateral.  I figured this was going to happen considering it’s a high risk loan and while we do have a fairly decent income, he hasn’t earned anything as a freelancer for the two years that many lenders require.  This is great to know for next year, but it certainly doesn’t help us out right now.  We added up the numbers tonight, it’s going to cost us around $3,000 to cover everything from the cost of moving, to first and last months…more»

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Not moving fast enough…

Instead of taking out a mortgage, we put a stop on that and are now working on just a personal loan to cover the moving fees to the new place. We’re almost certain that the place inside of his brothers complex is the one that we’re going to be looking into, but we’ve kept the other options open as well. The one place that was looking the best, however, really won’t work out very well for us at all. A lot of the apartments in the towns we were considering are now changing over to Section 8, and I personally…more»

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Awaiting Approval

For the past few days we’ve patiently been waiting to hear from HSBC in regards to our loan. We couldn’t get the house, we didn’t put the bid in on time and it’s off the market. We found a few other options, a few of which were rentals. I’ve never been to Ohio so I can’t say that I’m going to like it there, so I believe us not getting this house was just the sign telling us to rent first. We’ve looked into a few options, his brother has a place available in his complex. We couldn’t find it…more»

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HTP Internet Marketing & SEO

Today I came across an Internet Marketing and SEO company that seems to be pretty good at what they can offer you. They offer a few different options. They’re an Advertising Company where you can Add Your Link or even Buy Text Links. Typically when I see SEO companies claiming to get you higher rankings on Google and just more hits in general, they typically have very low to non-existent ranking scores. As of right now this company is a PR6 which isn’t bad considering I’ve been working extremely hard just to maintain the PR5 that I have here. I’d…more»

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I sat down and looked…

… at everything that required being packed up when we move and you truly do not realize how many things you’ve accumulated over the years until you have to put it in boxes. I know from the get-go that the bedroom will be very easy to pack up because there’s really nothing in there. The office, however, that’s a completely different story. I believe it will take at least a day just to get all of the books and everything put away. The computers will obviously be the last thing to go, but that’s because we’ll be working right up…more»

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VoIP for Small Business

For a while now I’ve been considering a Virtual office setup in order to get rid of my cell phone. Since I work in-house, it’s really the only form of outside communication I can have at the moment. I also figure that it’ll help me down the road after Hubby and I move to Ohio. I can keep the same phone number because all you really need is a broadband connection, and I did some poking around many different companies and I have to say that iPBX is looking to be a pretty decent service at this point. I think…more»

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Too busy to think…

I don’t know what came over me over the course of the last few days but on top of the fact that I had absolutely no energy to do much of anything, I was also very busy, more than I think I ever have been in the past. Sean and I found the absolute perfect house, it’s in the $120k range, which isn’t too bad because the mortgage is only going to run us about $1,000 a month. From there I figure all of the other bills are another $1,000 (estimated) so since we make about $4k a month, we…more»

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Structured Settlements

For many years my Grandmother battled many issues with her legs. Primarily her ankles. When she was growing up there weren’t any control-top kind of sneakers and based on this lack of support, she got to the point where her foot was basically dangling off her ankle because that particular bone was on the floor in place of her natural arch. This means nothing but pain for anyone who has to deal with it, and even now all they can offer you is orthodics. She went in for surgery to try to have the bones reset to where they were…more»

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