A cold front came blasting through here this morning. Torrential down pours mixed with heavy thunder and lightening have given way to what I consider real Fall weather. The sun may be shining but it’s only 60°F (15°C) outside. There’s a nice cool breeze airing out the house at the moment, I’ve made it a point to open as many windows as possible. While my dog is good on going outside to do her business, there are two other dogs in the house that have been wee-wee pad trained and missing the pad completely is just a way of life for them. Because of this, no matter how much cleaning is involved, the smell just lingers – especially on a hot day. So having the windows open to help cut down on the smell is an excellent thing to have at the moment.

I’m waiting very patiently to get down to the mail box in hopes to be able to find the loan notice sitting in the box just waiting for me. Sean has an appointment to get his car taken care of this Saturday so we’ll hopefully be going up to New York by next week. I can’t wait to get up there to see my family. Being handed a large check from the bank is going to make the visit extra enjoyable for me. We know from the get go that the bulk of the money will go into upgrades on the home but we’re not overly concerned about it, it’s a temporary home and the little money spent just so we can be in our own place and officially start our lives together will be more than enjoyable for us in the end.

I’m going to hop in the shower, I know it’s mid-day but I’ve been doing some cleaning here and there and I feel as though I’m covered in dust and dog hair so a shower is definitely required at this very moment.