The weather changes are taking their toll on me, this afternoon I was sweating my ass off and now I’m freezing since the sun went down.  I think it’s like 50°F outside right now, it’s only going to get colder.  I should probably just soak in a nice warm bath and then enjoy a cup of tea and get started on my new books.

The other day I was kind of itching to get out of the house and do some shopping. The loan check has cleared but the money I spent was based on my Paypal debit account anyway so it wasn’t a major deal. I picked up “If I Did It” because it was getting a lot of hype.  I personally don’t have any opinion on the murder itself, nor do I have one on OJ Simpson either, I’m just a curious party.  I’ve always wanted to read, and never did read, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” but I think being in a very serious relationship is grounds for me to want to tap into the male psyche via a book.  Then I picked up a few things here and there that aren’t really that interesting, I’d use them more as reference via New Age.

I also made a run into Dollar Tree and loaded up on a few things for around the house.  Thanks to the two puppies who aren’t trained to go outside, I’ve been bleaching the rug and loaded up on white towels so that no coloring is dragged back into the rug that was just bleached.  I want to get rid of the brown spots, not bring them back – you know?

Tonight I’m not really in the mood for a real-life murder mystery.  I think I’m going to limit myself to a few options, the final choice probably won’t be made until I actually sit down in bed anyway.  I have one book named “Keeper of the keys” another named “Copy Cat” they are suspense thrillers but I’m not getting any weird celebrity murder vibes from it either.

[tags]Murder Mysteries, Books, Shopping, Pets[/tags]