If you’re unsure of what to get a friend or co-worker for Christmas, I have a few quick purchase ideas that are not only attractive but won’t even come close to breaking the bank.

ABC Distributing - CD PlayerMillions of people are using iPods and other MP3 devices but what many don’t know is that there is still a large collection of CD’s floating around so naturally people aren’t going to just get rid of them, especially considering how much money it cost them over the years to build that collection. So why not give them an attractive Home Stereo CD Player. A resource that I frequent for discounted holiday gifts is ABC Distributing and they’re known for having inexpensive gifts that are made pretty well. The system that I just listed is only $29.95 and it’s also rather attractive as well. This particular CD Player comes with Stereo AM/FM radio with digital read out. An LCD clock with a backlight, front-loading CD player with forward, reverse, skip and search functions as well as programmable random play, repeat all tracks and 1-track repeat. There are dual speakers, a head phone jack and it comes standard with an AC adapter and even a remote control. There’s also a removable stand for table top use and wall mounting. It’s got some great sound quality for an even better price.

ABC Distributing - Large RemoteAnother gift of interest could be a jumbo universal remote. While many would consider this a gag gift, it could also be a valuable one for those whom either have poor eye sight or are known for constantly losing the remote. You can’t say anyone stole this remote, it’d be too hard to lose considering it’s size. This remote can control up to 8 devices including TV’s, VCR’s, DVD Players, TV/DVD/VCR Combos, satellites and even cable. It’s compatible with most major brands and only requires 2 AA batteries to run. It measures 11″ x 5″ so you’re bound to never lose this product. It’s only $6.95 and as someone who actually owns it, I’ll tell you that it’s absolutely worth the purchase.

I’ll have more gift ideas over the course of the next few days. All ideas are coming from sites where delivery is guaranteed before Christmas.