A few moments ago a man showed up at the door offering all sorts of frozen meat that was supposed to be shipped to a restaurant that is closed for the day.  So in order to cut his losses he’s offering the meat at a low-cost price with a lot of different varieties included.  Everything from Fillet Mignon to pork and chicken products.  Now, Sean being the push-over that he is made a V-Line for his wallet so he could purchase these products.  Karen, being the level-headed one told the man to basically get the hell out of here.

Her ex-husband ran the same scam many years before they were married.  He was living in California and strapped a freezer onto the back of his pick-up truck and sold the meat door-to-door.  There’s nothing safe or even sanitary about this process.  The meat is often left to thaw completely causing all kinds of bacteria to form.  Anyone even remotely interested in making the purchase is asking for nothing more than a severe stomach problem and lord knows what other kind of disease to come with it.

Many claim that these products come from Omaha Steaks, which is a very well know and upstanding company.  However, those selling this product off the back of a truck are actually coming from local farms and more than likely not approved for slaughter by the farm owner.  There are known cases of people stealing animals from farmers to dismember them at their own make-shift slaughter house so they can sell this “Top Choice” meat.  I find it completely disturbing, let alone illegal.

Why do people actually fall for this?

[tags]Meat, Selling Meat, Illegal Butcher Shops, Door-To-Door Sales[/tags]