debt counseling With a personal loan, credit cards, and more out-going bills than incoming cash, it’s no surprise that I’ve been looking into debt counseling. I understand that I need X amount of money during the month in order to break even. However, there are a few factors that I just don’t understand. My big thing is figuring out interest rates. I’m really unsure as to why I’m paying back $3500 on a $8,000 loan when it’s only a 9% interest rate. I would like to consolidate but I’m not sure if they’ll even allow me to do it. If I could consolidate with a different company then maybe I can lower the interest rate, and still manage to get a few extra dollars into my account just so I can handle the loans. I really just can’t afford the bills anymore and even with my resume sitting on every desk from here to Milford, I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford to pay everything back. I literally have $30 to my name right now, and I absolutely hate it. I just hope things start to pick up and I’m able to get call backs from the places I’ve applied to. I’m kicking myself for leaving the pet store but that place truly wouldn’t have worked out for me. It’s either blow out my back and be unable to work, or find a job where I can physically do the job.

[tags]work, debt counseling, job search[/tags]