The past week was pretty hectic. Sean’s aunt was here with her kids and she spent the bulk of the week looking at different properties because she’s hoping to move down here soon. Unfortunately her current mortgage company has decided that it’s time to foreclose on her home and she’s hoping to get out of there with a new home down here so that she doesn’t wind up on the street with two disabled children. She can’t afford her mortgage, no one can afford them anymore. She’s also been looking into Mortgages down here in hopes to find something with a lot less interest that will work with her current income. Right now it’s down to the choice of “Do I feed my children or do I keep the roof over their heads?” It’s really a lose-lose situation when you think about it.
She’s found a few pieces of property that she’s interested in, she also knows what model home she wants built on the property as well. She’s not going to go crazy about how much the house is worth, she just knows that she needs at least four bedrooms in order to cater to her 3 children and her father. It’s a lot of work and she does have a pretty large family to think about right now. I just hope everything works out for the best.
[tags]Mortgages, Home Ownership, Relocation, Family[/tags]