So I went on another interview today and after walking around the store for a half hour, waiting for the manager, I then walked into the office seeing about 200 applications sitting on her desk. So what does this mean? I’m more than likely NOT going to get the job considering she’s doing call-backs tomorrow afternoon. On the way home I headed to the beauty supply store to pick up a brush so I could lighten Sean’s hair, I asked if they were hiring but it’s a family-owned business and they noted that they don’t get enough customers to need to hire more employee’s. I then, before returning to the car, headed into the Hallmark store and put in an application there. She noted that she’s only looking for part-time and I noted that I’m really looking for something full time but I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.
Who knows what’s going to show up. I have put in quite a few bids on GAF and I’ve applied to numerous companies around the globe for both local and telemarketing work. I just hope SOMETHING picks up soon because I’m going to need to bring in at least $1500 a month to cover all of my bills and I’m lucky to touch $500 at this point. Thank god for a savings account, or I wouldn’t be able to do ANYTHING right now.
[tags]Work, Jobs, Life, Job Interviews[/tags]