I’m still in the process of moving. I now have about 30% of the accounts transferred over. Hopefully by Wednesday (it’s Thursday now) everything should be completely transferred and then Sean and I can take on the daunting task of completely revamping everything. I really should be doing that now but I’m very content with the current layout on agn-solutions.net. The revamp would be the backend. The new script we’re going to use is connected to the WHM so everything, account wise, is going to basically be automatic. That works great when it comes to new customers, but when it comes to integrating the old ones we’re bound to have a little bit of an issue. I will hopefully be able to get everyone setup without any problems, and it would definitely help with those of my clients who have multiple domains hosted with me. I think my top one in that regard owns about 15 domains with me, so that should be interesting. It will certainly take a while but the amount of effort put in should certainly pay off in the end.
In other news, I have a few new projects under my belt. Hopefully it will bring in a decent amount of money in upcoming months so that Sean and I are able to go forward with our plans and possibly move up to New York. I’m more comfortable up here, it’s very easy for me to concentrate on things as well. He’s noticing the same thing, even though he’s not used to “city living” with all of the street noise, he’s still able to put his head into work with absolutely no problem at all.
A perk would be that my grandmother has an available apartment, the downside would be that it’s $1,000 a month. However – everything is included (heat/water/gas) so there really would be no issues there but the fact that in order to just live would cost us about $1600 a month (after cable/internet/phone and food) is a bit of a damper. Not to mention car insurance and gas prices in New York are a little extreme. So it’s a lot to think about but I think if we can both get to the point where we have about $4000 a month (in total) coming in – we should be absolutely fine.
He’s been on my iMac for the last week ( I brought it up with me ) and now he’s absolutely in love with it and wants to get one of his own. While I can’t afford it right now I’m certainly thinking of getting him one in the future. An iMac for an iMac – heh.
[tags]Family, Web Hosting, iMac, Work, AGn Solutions[/tags]