I’ve been through numerous blogging platforms over the years but none of them have continued to impress me the way WordPress has. Their built in spam options have proven to be a pretty cool deal but even their spam options are no match for the new series of spammers on the internet.  I’m unsure of their official name but I call them the copy and pasters.  They come to your website, copy a line of YOUR blog article and paste it into the comments section of your forms.  They then go through the task of writing their name, email and url to publish the comment.  This way they figure they can get past the spam blockers.  What many people don’t realize about all of my websites is that all comments are held in moderation until I approve them myself.  Why? Because not only do I have random messages from people who just can’t let go of the past, I’m now dealing with morons who insist that it’s a great idea to include my blog entry in my comments.

Why do such a thing? Get a life!

[tags]Spam, WordPress, Comments[/tags]