Things have been more than hectic lately, my biggest gripe about all of the pending work to complete is the fact that I’m  typically working in two different locations all day long. This is putting a damper on my ability to get things done by their deadlines due to the inability to just setup and go after I need to switch, it takes me a bit to get back on track due to other circumstances (not to be discussed). 

Right now I’m in the process of designing an employment agencies site via wordpress for one client, a very detailed and customized mommy blog, an art portfolio and the outstanding one to trump them all I converting a rather large name company from html to wordpress. Sean and I worked to code the initial pages, but when we were given the full client we just about crapped our pants.  I don’t know if wordpress can handle a few hundred widgets but its gonna have to heh.

To top everything off, I’m extremely backed up on articles, and as of Saturday I’m adding a new location to my list of work spots as i’ll be in Delaware for two weeks for a workation. This trip stems back to the few hundred widget wp theme, theres an onsite consiltation, photos to take and hopefully land the even larger master account through more charm than wit. Ill be working the entire time but it’ll be nice to relax a bit down at the DE shore for a few days as well.

Needless to say…the next few days are gonna be crazy.

[Tags]Work, WordPress, AGn Designs, Life[/tags]