I’m heading down to the flea market this weekend. The one up in Laurel is actually pretty cool if you get their early enough. There’s fruit, veggies and plenty of useless items that people seem to drool over. Clothing, electronics – etc. There’s one guy there who sells air conditioners and on the hottest of days you see people hovering around his display because he typically has everything plugged in to prove that they work.

PPPThere’s another guy there who has a few very interesting Trade Show Displays. They consider the outside a flea market, where the inside is a bit more done up and professional looking. He’s customized his entire display with the coolest colors and unique curves that I’ve ever seen. I asked him where he got the display and he said Nashville, TN. So I went looking into this company.

Came across adventresults.com. I want to assume they’re the same people considering how much their listed displays resemble the one I saw up in Laurel. The graphics on some of these displays are beyond gorgeous and if I had the kind of talent where anything I create can be plastered on something that’s 10×10 – I’d probably wiggle in excitement.

Technology has really changed over the years. I remember seeing things on trade shows based way back in the day and they were all on simple folding tables with hand-painted banners to announce who they were. Now everyone is high-tech with gorgeous blended colors and silver tones holding the entire structure as eye candy. It’s kind of strange to see how everyone has evolved, you know?