… at everything that required being packed up when we move and you truly do not realize how many things you’ve accumulated over the years until you have to put it in boxes. I know from the get-go that the bedroom will be very easy to pack up because there’s really nothing in there. The office, however, that’s a completely different story. I believe it will take at least a day just to get all of the books and everything put away. The computers will obviously be the last thing to go, but that’s because we’ll be working right up to the end in order to avoid getting too behind on things for the day or so that we’ll be offline.

I also hope that the office we have in Ohio is going to be as large as this one. The apartment itself is about 960 sq. ft., which is a little larger than a relatives home, and she manages to cram about 20 people in there at any given time. The rooms aren’t HUGE but she’s got three bedrooms, and a huge den worked into it. I figure if it’s only going to be 2 bedrooms, we should be OK on space.

It’s just going to be nice to have the ability for complete control over everything. The furniture goes exactly where and how I want it placed, the kitchen will more than likely the first one I ever used that has everything completely utilized the way kitchens are supposed to be. My old kitchen was just too small to do anything in, and the one I have access to now is so under utilized it’s frustrating. I get to do everything my way, even down to the decor.

I’m excited but scared at the same time. The cost of moving, spending 8 hours in a truck, then having to get everything accomplished within the first few days just so the environment is livable. The truck would have to be unloaded by the first day because the fee’s from uHaul would probably be through the roof.

While we’ve sat down and thought about everything, this doesn’t mean it’s going to be any easier on us.

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