In real life you build friendships and relationships with people and it’s primarily based on similar interests. Obviously if you had nothing in common with someone you wouldn’t really spend much time with them, what’s to talk about? So how come up until recently you could do that in real life but couldn’t online?
In January I signed up for a site called You spend the better part of your time listening to music while you’re floating around online so why not publish your playlists an easy way and deal with a program so technologically advanced that it will LEARN your listening habits and make recommendations based on that? I typically let my iPod run through iTunes the entire time I’m sitting at my desk, the program runs in the background and it publishes my playlist to my personal profile. There’s even a cool widget that you can plug into your website as well.
There are four different colors to choose from: Pink, Blue, Black and Gray.
For my personal domain I obviously chose Pink to match the template but you can stick these widgets just about everywhere and it doesn’t matter which color you choose for either of your websites (blogger, wordpress, movable type, myspace, livejournal – etc) you can have a personal color for each site and it won’t change it on any other site.
And as you can tell by the one I’ve posted in this entry, you can even tell when I’m currently listening. If I happen to be online at the time that you’re reading this, you’ll see a “Listening Now” icon flashing on the footer of the widget. If I’m not listening it’ll tell you exactly when I stopped listening (you can tell by looking at the last song played which is at the top of the list)
With this site you can go through neighbors, this means people that share the same musical interest based on the playlists you both have, and you can even add them as friends. There’s the option to blog with this site, and what I like is the individual settings when it comes to page rank and Alexa, if you chose to use this as a personal blog the way users would on MySpace, then you can build up your own statistics and if you happen to do paid blogging or something in the future, the statistics would be your own – you can’t cheat by using ones already existent with the site itself. That to me is a big plus.
Check them out!