Printer is finally up and running!

Sean has finally setup the printer in the office. He also went out of his way to setup the scanner as well. This is a task that we’ve been trying to accomplish for the last few months of even BEING in this office, so naturally I was surprised when I found out about it. He’s been keeping busy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately, the printer is out of ink at the moment but after scouring the Internet for the last half hour, I was able to locate a few very affordable cartridges and that’s just gravy! I’ve gone through ink-discount sites…more»

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Resource: Website Advertising

If you’re someone who’s interested in different forms of Website Advertising, than I may have found a company for you.

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Resources: Coupon Codes

One resource that I’ve pushed for many years is the importance of using coupon codes when ordering products online. You save more money using these codes sometimes than you would if you were just shopping around the cheapest price you can find.

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Mac users can play poker too!

I believe that my bookmarks are somewhere in the 1200 sites range. I really should go through it and start cleaning out the useless ones but the cool thing about me is that I have a tendency to keep all of my bookmarks categorized. Everything has it’s place, it’s the neat freak in me. Today I added a few more to my bookmarks, one of which went straight into my Apple category for Mac Poker Online.

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