What is Colloidal Silver?

I’m not sure if it’s some kind of a sign or not but I keep coming across resources for colloidal silver. Any and all research I’ve done on this subject tells me that Colloidal Silver is a colloid of silver particles in water. In the past it was used on external wounds and burns to prevent infection. Some alternative-health practitioners claim that it is a beneficial nutritional supplement. Some others claim that it’s a powerful antibiotic. For me, however, further information has proven to me that it can be used to keep drinkable water potable over a long period of…more»

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Point of Sale

I don’t know of one business anywhere in the world that isn’t using some form of a computer in order to help maintain their business. Machines have leaped into the technological age and there isn’t one on the market that doesn’t have some kind of a computer back-end. Even the registers at your local supermarket are equipped with an LCD monitor and cool images that show up on the screens during all aspects of the sale. So naturally it’s no surprise to know that there are other companies out there with refurbished products available to businesses and corporations around the…more»

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The Season’s Started!

The football season has started, and it’s unfortunate that my Giants aren’t doing very well so far this year. They’re only two games into the season, maybe things will start changing around. If they happen to completely suck this year? Oh well, at least I’ll have fun yelling at the screen. I did some poking around for football related articles to catch up on what’s going on with the other teams in the league, as well as college football because I grew up on that as well. I found out today about a New Football Helmet that has Schutt ION…more»

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Structured Settlements

For many years my Grandmother battled many issues with her legs. Primarily her ankles. When she was growing up there weren’t any control-top kind of sneakers and based on this lack of support, she got to the point where her foot was basically dangling off her ankle because that particular bone was on the floor in place of her natural arch. This means nothing but pain for anyone who has to deal with it, and even now all they can offer you is orthodics. She went in for surgery to try to have the bones reset to where they were…more»

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Debt Solutions

An important aspect of getting the best loan possible while we search for a home, is making sure that all of the credit cards are taken care of because a bad credit score is what’s putting a damper on Hubby getting a loan to the same degree that I’m eligible for. He was approved for a card when he was about 17 and now it’s to the point that I’ve sidetracked some of my loan searches with Credit Card Consolidation. Now, he only owes about $2500 in total on two cards, this is still an outstanding balance, no matter how…more»

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New Marketing Strategies

There’s a whole new form of Marketing that some people just aren’t aware of.

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Save some money!

For years, it’s been shoved down your throat that the only way you’re really going to make any money on eBay is if you go out and purchase the “how-to” kit being sold by top eBay sellers. I don’t remember his name offhand but I know that his infomercial is on almost every night on lord knows how many channels. Just another reason why I stopped watching television. The following article is exactly what it sounds like, I’m telling you flat out: Don’t pay for eBay selling tools!

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Been a busy weekend…

I haven’t been around for a few days, this is mainly because of how busy I’ve been with working on other things. I didn’t want to do it but clients had to go on the back burner this past weekend due to things that were beyond my control. I’m still looking for loans, this way things can start moving along with Sean and I and we can get out of here as soon as possible – at this point.

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Drooling over Lan Configurations

Knowing from the get-go that one to two of the rooms in my new home are going to be an office, I’ve been looking into many different possibilities.

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Attorney At Law

I have quite a few lawyers in my family so keeping up to date on many aspects of law is always an important thing for me.

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