Magnetic Diet?

I’m sure this would be better suited on my weight loss domain but I’m confident that it will gain more exposure here so naturally this is where the post is going to go. For quite some time now I’ve been dieting, I’ve been lucky enough to lose about 50 pounds and I still have a bit to go before I can get down to my absolute goal weight of 150lbs. Many people would want to say that 150 is overweight but considering I’ve always been a big girl, being super thin really isn’t a comfortable option for me. Up until…more»

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Wasn’t thinking straight…

I still can’t find any headphones anywhere but I’m still floating around on in hopes to find something good. Unfortunately there’s nothing online at the moment that’s even remotely interesting to me. I can’t find half the bands I listen to and there’s no way in heck I’m going to float around on myspace and have to deal with all of the noisy random banner ads that pop in and out of the screen. I can understand wanting to make money off of your website, but the company sold for like $50,000,000 – how in heck are you still…more»

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Cisco vs. Linksys

Since moving has been put on hold due to a massive change of plans, Sean and I have been keeping track of everything we’re going to need when we do eventually move out. As of right now the setup we have with the office and just the computer based items in general is working out fine for us. However, that’s based on the limited space for everything due to our confinement to just the office and the extremely small bedroom. We know that when we do finally get our own place, whether we’re renting or actually purchasing – we’ll more…more»

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Didn’t spread enough cheer?

This Christmas seemed rather empty. While I was pleased with everything gift wise, as far as decorations are concerned – I feel as though I gave up at some point.  The only real lighting in the house was around the tree, there were a few candles on the coffee table surrounded with seasonal goodies as well, and there were even some rope lights strung around the porch to give off some extra light.  For me, however, that still doesn’t feel like the full blown Christmas that I’ve become accustomed to over the years. I’m used to going a bit overboard…more»

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Planes, Trains & Automobiles

For the past year, Sean has been working on a social networking site. They’re hoping to launch sometime within the next few weeks (of course I’ll share the URL here when that happens). It’s their hope that the site gets pretty big and once that happens I’m sure that we’ll be taking a few trips out to California because that’s where his boss currently lives. While talking about this in detail we’ve decided that we’re taking three different routes in order to get there, well depending on how many times we’re going out there of course. The first route will…more»

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Home-Based Business Solutions

Sean is hoping to follow me down the road of being self employed and registering his business with the state of Delaware. He’s been looking into quite a few resources on how to do this successfully and realized that he’s uninterested in housing his business information with his current web hosting provider. He’d like to start up an in-house server which includes everything from his business website to an email server just so he can store all of his email in house, to be accessed no matter what happens to be going on with the Internet connection to the house.…more»

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Web Hosting Choice

I’m sure I’ve spoken about this particular site before, but people have trouble reading through Archives sometimes.  If you’re looking for a completely free resource that tells you everything you need to know about the Ins and Outs of web hosting, including pricing, best hosts and quick FAQ’s then head on over to Web Hosting Choice, a direct link would be  I’ve been going through a few of their different sites, mainly the Reseller hosting because I house all of my personal websites under one reseller account with a different company.  I know it seems a bit strange to…more»

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Looking for a that little extra advertising.

With the Holiday Season running full speed ahead, I’ve noticed a rise in people looking for design work so they can either revamp their sites for the new year, or give the gift of a new template for their friends blog. Either way I’ve been pretty busy but I know for sure that this isn’t going to last so I’ve been looking into a few different options to get my name out there a bit more. I’ve always taken the free advertising route, I’ve also spent quite a bit of money advertising with different outside companies as well. And personal…more»

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Health Insurance is hard to find sometimes…

While some people believe that being self employed is the absolute best route to take, those of us whom are self employed with no form of health insurance have it pretty hard. Anytime we get sick our business suffers because we’re unable to work to bring in the income that we’re currently living off of. If you’re on a fixed budget then excess spending really isn’t an option, so naturally we’ll overlook things that are truly important. I’ve been looking for a private health plan for quite some time now, unfortunately I’ve been unable to locate a health insurance quote…more»

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Catch a Rodeo

My aunt is currently down in Texas because she’s doing some training with Verizon. When she’s not in office, she’s enjoying the sights that the state has to offer. She went online in search for things to do in the Huston area and picked up Houston Rodeo Tickets. I’m not exactly sure when exactly she’s going but she’s certainly looking forward to it. I’ve watched Rodeo’s on television a few times and I was always interested in them. I’ve always been interested in ‘farm’ related animals. Bulls, Horses and even Pigs, I’ve always found them to be pretty cute.   Now…more»

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