Knowing that I’ll be furnishing my own home sometime in the next year, I know that I’m going to need to load up on all different kinds of accessories, today I came across a website named 1-800-4CLOCKS Grandfather Clocks and much more
Knowing that I’ll be furnishing my own home sometime in the next year, I know that I’m going to need to load up on all different kinds of accessories, today I came across a website named 1-800-4CLOCKS Grandfather Clocks and much more
Awesome new flash cards!
Great new product for those with an iPod Video!
While I have to admit that I’m not an avid golfer, one thing that I do enjoy is the pure convenience of having a personal caddy. Today I came across a website based in Australia that has a new product named the EziCaddy.
I’m not quite sure why but my iPod doesn’t seem to like me today. It keeps shutting itself down. I know the battery is full because I just took it off the charger about an hour ago. I think it may be my new head phones. I know if the head phones I plug into it are too powerful the iPod would just shut itself down but that’s based on a volume thing. I’ve got the music on very low just to have some sort of background music so this truly makes no sense to me. Maybe it’s about time…more»
I like being able to introduce up and coming products to my readers. This article is about the coolest product to come from Motorola since the original RAZR. RAZR2 will be available to the public soon and this is the information that I’ve been able to dig up on it.
If you’re like me, you may spend quite a bit of time comparison shopping for the product that you’re interested in buying. A big thing for me lately is comparison shopping for a new mobile phone because my current cell phone is on the verge of death and frankly, I’m not overly interested in spending over $400 on the new iPhone because I refuse to house my phone with Cingular/AT&T services – I hate them.
I’ve been having some trouble with my digital camera lately. For some reason my computer doesn’t want to read anything off of the memory card so I’ve wound up having to boot my laptop and run off of the card reader in order to gain access to my pictures. I’m in the process of reinstalling the drivers on my desktop so that I can avoid having to do this every single time. It sucks when you’re on a deadline for something and are unable to get anything to work the way it’s supposed to!
The Wi-Fi connection on Apple’s recently released iPhone seems to be the source of a big headache for network administrators at Duke.
When I come across new and interesting products, I like to share them with others and then ask what they’re thinking about once they’ve seen them. Today I came across a product that I found to be so interesting that blogging about it was an absolute must.