Templates coming soon!

It’s taken me a little while but I’ve finally came up with a few designs that I’m happy with to offer for visitors looking to punch up their blogs. As of right now the templates will be WordPress based, I will have other formats coded in the near future though. All of the templates work under Web2.0 and are what I believe to be innovative enough to be the next best thing in blogging since well…wordpress. I’ll have more updates on this soon as well. I know, I know…plenty of updates without any actual visuals – I’ll have them up…more»

Filed in AGn Designs, CSS, Graphics Design, Web Design, XHTML / HTML | Comments Closed

WordPress iPhone Plugin

With all of the buzz surrounding the new iPhone, it’s no surprise to me that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of making their sites iPhone compliant. Just having standards compliant website isn’t necessarily going to help you out this time. I personally have no idea what my website will look like on an iPhone, mainly because I refuse to go out and actually purchase one.

Filed in Blogging, Electronics, Hype, Web Design | Comments Closed

Launch of the new template.

It’s taken me about six months but I’ve finally be able to get my blog worked into this website. I’d been posting on it since January but never quite figured out how I wanted to go about integrating it into the rest of the site. Now this is officially a blog plus a portfolio, not the other way around as it previously was.

Filed in AGn Designs, Web Design | Comments Closed

Generate Lipsum and have your blog say nothing in style

Some blogs have nothing to say, this website really has nothing to say, on purpose. Its called lipsum and it’s used for testing fonts and filling up pages with pig latinish words so you can get a better idea on how your new template or webpage will look. This website simply generates some lipsum for your site, so if you are going to say nothing, do it in style with lipsum and save us the time of reading your dribble. Check it out [tags]Gadgets, Lipsum, Cool Sites[/tags]

Filed in Blogging, Hype, Web Design | Comments Closed